Hello From PCARC

The Peace Country Amateur Radio Club is the largest Amateur Radio club in the Peace Country area in northern Alberta. We have members from all areas of the Peace Country from Grande Prairie to Beaverlodge to Peace River to Valleyview. We are dedicated to amateur radio and passing it on to more and more people in Alberta. Throughout the year we aim to increase knowledge about amateur radio. One of the biggest parts of our organization is to pass on amateur radio information and train new amateur radio enthusiasts.

Club Breakfast

We, the Peace Country Amateur Radio Club, meet every Saturday morning for breakfast at the Grande Prairie Army Navy Air Force Veterans Club. We are always welcoming new faces, so whether you are new to the Peace Country or just passing through, stop on by. 

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Field Days

Every year (typically in June) we hold an annual event called Field Day. This is a time when we can all get together, and take part in an annual amateur radio exercise that encourages emergency preparedness and response. 

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We are hugely involved in Amateur Radio Emergency Services, and we do so in conjunction with Grande Prairie Technical Search and Rescue. We handle all radio communications to ensure that in emergency situations that all communications work properly for the safety of all involved in the response. 

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Some Photos Of Us